The backbone of the universe: The Healthcare Sector

The backbone of the universe: The Healthcare Sector

In the last four decades, the pharma sector has seen a huge leap with constantly striving to provide medical solutions with on-going medical issues such as AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, and many hazardous diseases. Today, we are together in fighting the COVID 19.

The pandemic has made us realize the importance of health and the saying that comes in handy at this juncture, “Health is wealth”. It is synonymous to the current situation of COVID19 when we identified it as a serious global
issue in 2020 and thought it would be a year of bad omen. However, it doesn’t seem to be the same, in fact, it is getting worse day by day.

Knowing the second wave has its more serious variant, there are more and more technologies that are trying to find a definite solution. The Maharashtra government and other government bodies on the other hand has been
supportive to the residents and pharma companies with introducing vaccines.It is not only the pandemic but there are other diseases also that need the attention and more laboratories to resolve and make for a better future.

“The Trust. The Truth”

We live in an atmosphere where we are spoilt for choices. Our lifestyle has been one of the destructive means for our health and is the primary source of encouraging infectious diseases. One needs to mind his ways to breathe a
healthy life. However, it can be challenging but we have been lucky to have one of the best doctors and medical facilities in India. With new developments in the pharma industry has revolutionized for a strong and healthy societal stature.

The laboratories have played a pivotal role in facilitating the needs in times of emergency. The thought of specialized laboratory systems has evolved as a boon to the society. In the year, 1996, Dr. A Velumani, with his expertise introduced the Thyrocare Technologies Limited. It is the first fully mechanized clinical chemistry laboratory, with its IT enabled, controlled, monitored floor and logistics, it has been the fastest growing diagnostic laboratory in India for the last 2 decades.

Thyrocare Technologies Limited undisputedly holds the unique title of becoming the “India’s first fully automated diagnostic laboratory”.

“Our prime focus is to facilitate and standardize quality and cost in clinical chemistry across the world”.

– Dr. A. Velumani, Promoter, Chairman & M.D., Thyrocare.

It is the health sector that has built the strength of the individuals in the present scenario. They have been standing with their heads held high without a grin on their face. It is thus, commendable to the warriors of health and pharma sector that has given a life that would not have been the way it is. On 1st of May, 2021 as we celebrate Maharashtra Day, we take the opportunity to salute the entire fraternity for being our motivation.